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Syahirahisgreat@blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hey yawl....my eng i got FULL marks for MCQ (yay me ) for maths i got A* I am ssoooooo happy !!!! my happiness is just...sooo happy n yeaterday durin PE i fell down my knee cant bend....PAIN i tell u .... then .... wat ah ...... oh yah 2day malay paper damn hard ah soooo hard n challenging say.... k lor nothin much 2 talk bout

with luv ,

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Monday, October 27, 2008

me n shikin

Me with my fave cuzzies... luv them!


i hate that stupid girl think what she soo gd is it she gd go raffles ah...dah lah malay tk pandai bodoh siak. she think she so thin?pakai baju sexy konon ah go die ah .... effing sia ..... kater tk suker orng act cute dier sendiri immature nk siak say sekolah kat junyan alamak think soo gd ? hate these ppl. then lagi satu like idiot...think she soo funny is it ? muka macam taik sekolah dah lah kat east view. bodoh baral. then lagi satu main basketball nak siak catch bol macam idiot geram say then nak act cute ... bus...kateball =) LOL im happy again !

hi now i have stomach ache ah eat a lot +) and yeah today my mum go giant never bring me .... soooo saaaaaddd .... i actually cried=) why do sisters get everything ???? so not fair!!!!! k then i sturdy,sturdy,sturdy and sturdy BORING... yeah thats about it bye !

hey yesterday it was kinda fun i rode a motorbike!!!!soooo scarry ahhh!!!! then later i study,study,study it was so STRESSFUL say.anyways....urmm...wat to type ah.....oh yes ! yesterday my life was totally incomplete... my mum dun let me play COM...sooo sad...com is like my life!!! and my cuz maisarah she like kinda difff...like she .....i dunno diff....even though i haf a GREAT life (yay!!hurray me!!)i still miss her alot we are very very close cuzies. it felt like part of me was gone ... feel so sad wanna cry =( the pic is of me n my closes cuzz ever miss them....anyways cheer up ! =) theres no time for crying .... i hope i get gd results for maths .... SERIOUSLY HOPING
Friday, October 24, 2008

ouhhh EXAMS are here hatein dis...my english paper was kinda ok . i think i can get band 1 (i hope) . my maths , i found it managable... not to hard not that simple. maybe a band 2 (seriously hoping). i hope i dun get 72 again if not im DOOMED FOR LIFE. why doomed ? well my mum expect me to get higher which is highly okay lah hope i do well 4 mt n science

signing off with love syahirah


my enmies are shuqrie,sarah , adila


*he is very irritating

*calls me baboon o_0

*paramore freak !!!


*acts cool

*always act like he pro in playin drum

*cui ning tell me he broke up with wara??(dunno true not)

*call me penguin

* cut Q

*big fat betrayer

*minah kampung yang tak terjadi

*cant believe she BEST IN CONDUCT

*go hell sia


* stupid gal


*attention seeker

*cumer tahu jager tepi kain orng jer .....


if you are one of them get out of my life forever cuz u are useless!!!



Thursday, October 23, 2008

hey everyone i am syahirah and i love blogging and anything that has to got to do with Internet. im the next William gates *LOL* as if more like the next looser !!! My BFF is Josephine. we are sworn sisters. my OTHER friends are fadzlyn,aerina,insyirah,wara,eunice and many more.*sorry if i missed out ur name. ^_^ i love my family very much they are my supporters. they support me all the way! eg. mama,mummy masha,mummy yati,ibu,aunty erna,papa rashid,mak long,mak ju, pak long,kak ara,kak iqin and kak la. i love them ALL . *muaa* 100 kises yawl.my email is syahirah_coolz@hotmail.com . the teacher i admire most in the world is mdm nora. she is preety,kind,gentle,funny,caring. i want to be just like her . my weakest sub is MATHS. i like it 1% only. my enemies are shuqrie , all boys, and a girl-sarah. she bloody damn betrayer ah. i tell u more bout them later.

signing off
